What is the most important part of training? Learning new technical…

Professional Insight Taster Courses
The world of aviation has long focused on safety which leads it be one of, if not the, safest modes of transport. According to a study by Professor Ian Savage, flying was the safest mode of transport with just 0.07 deaths per one billion passenger miles between 2000 and 2009.*
This has made travel around the world seem to be a mundane, everyday occurrence. This impressive safety record and drive to reassure people that aviation is a safe endeavour is no accident.
Training and attitude to safety are key elements in the success of the industry to reduce accidents and incidents.
Professional attitudes to training at the beginning of pilot careers, as well as recurrent training and testing, ensure that pilots maintain and evolve their skills and experience throughout their careers. All commercial pilots undergo 2 days of intensive flying training every 6 months. This attention to detail in standards is accompanied by a focus on attitude. Every pilot works towards improving their standard and the majority have a determined yet open approach to learning with a desire to see a continuous improvement in their skills and the way they cope with high pressure and demanding situations.
Coupled with this approach is an industry wide drive to work to a “Just Culture.” A just culture is one in which front-line operators and others are not punished for actions, omissions or decisions taken by them which are commensurate with their experience and training, but where gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated. An atmosphere of trust in which people are encouraged, even rewarded, for providing essential safety-related information – but in which they are also clear about where the line must be drawn between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour has been shown to improve overall standards. Open reporting cultures are encouraged and appear to have lasting effect in terms of morale as well as benefiting safety records.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the use of checklists have also revolutionised the industry. From Military to commercial applications, use of these techniques mean that procedures are robust and consistent in the way they are executed. How these are used are an essential part in how professional pilots operate. Learning how to use a checklist is highly important. It is much more than a To Do List, and is a tool to assist with briefing and essentially prevents missing crucial elements required.
Understanding how these techniques could apply to other industries, medicial practitioners for example, have adopted and adapted many practices based on aviation industry techniques. Turnpoint offer insight courses that can be tailored to your needs looking at all of these elements. So if you have a particular interest in Checklist usage, attitude and approach to training, coping under pressure or an interest in seeing how aviation professionals ensure safe operations, then check out what opportunities are available. …….link
*Ian Savage North Western University, USA. http://www.cityam.com/215834/one-chart-showing-safest-ways-travel